Tuesday 20 October 2015

big fish

Remember that heat wave I carried on about last week? Well the very next day it broke. Spring is back and I couldn’t feel gladder.

Between you and me I truly rely on our seasons being in sync. I feel together. I need that balance after the imbalance we have experienced this year. I need the sun to rise in the morning all sparkling and bright and set leaving the darkness and magic of the moon in the evening. I need to be one with the phases of the moon. And I need the seasons to be what they are…. I need to witness the awakening of Summer before Summer is here. All this makes me feel secure and in harmony, not only within myself but with the world around me. So, dearest Mother Earth - I thank you for bringing back Spring. 

I am ever so grateful that I have seen the end of last week’s tummy bugs, restless nights and seasonal coughs. The boys are on the mend but, with that, I seem to have caught that hideous virus from them. A grumpy throat and a tightness of the chest – really?!? Please can someone remove the razor blades from my throat. 

There was a reshuffle of the boys bedrooms and I think they are happier for it. It makes more sense, although for me, it means that I have to accept that our eldest may be in the process of not only leaving home but moving to another town and our youngest is growing and maturing enough to have his very own room. (insert heavy-hearted sigh here). 

The girls have settled nicely into their coop and we are back to getting an egg from each one daily. The old side of the coop is getting a little green growing make over. We have added more soil to even out where their scratchings left holes and I planted snippings of mint and marjoram while Rob sowed some coriander seeds and planted cuttings from our grass. The veg garden is flourishing and before we know it we will be harvesting again. The ol’ folk have planted well this year. 

There was much excitement when our budding fisherman caught his very first fish. He dreams of a future of doing nothing else but that… fishing. When I went through to check that he was getting ready for school and not being distracted by all the newness of his very own bedroom. I found him half-dressed, one sock on and the other lying limply over his unmade bed, imaginary rod in one hand and the other very busy reeling in yet another bass. I feel the exhilaration for Christmas coming on, Santa’s list of every kind of angler paraphernalia out there is growing. 

I am nearing the end of my grey beanie and I think it’s going to be just perfect for when the colder months embrace our little home next year. I have already started looking for a new knit project. I have never knitted socks, the bed-type variety yes, but never socks. I need to get out to the store and buy sock yard and just do it. What is your go to pattern for your socks? 

I’ve spent the last few days realigning and readjusting and I think I may just be back on track. I won’t claim to be healed completely but I will say this. I am eternally blessed to have my family and the understanding and strength from a man who supports me whichever way the wheel for today may be turning. 

I am going HOPE to share a few blogger sites a week (weather permitting) for you all to hop on over and show some love to. There are days when a little comment from someone out there makes all the difference in the world. Stop by when you have a chance – peruse their site and if you like what you see add them to your feed link.
This week head on over and say hi to Rachel from Chronicles of Just a Mom and Karen from Pumpkin Sunrise. 

Thank you all so much for all your comments on my last post. I love your comments. Every single one of them make me smile. 

Have a blessed week ahead!
Love Angie

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