Monday 26 October 2015


The weekending…? Has it been that long since I have been online to update our little blog here and catch up with you all?

It may even feel a little longer for me. Those razor sharp blades that invaded the little space in my throat last week turned into a full blown flu virus. I was
manwoman down for most of last week and only seemed to re-surface from my zombie like existence somewhere through Saturday. With our medical mostly depleted, I turned to a more natural form of self medicated remedy - Kali Mur – do you use tissue salts? Before all the nonsense of hospitals and doctors and pharmaceuticals prescribed over the past however many months before, they were my go to for all things health wise. And, although there is still a tickling cough every now and then, I feel much better for it. Almost as if my immune system may be a little stronger and thanking me for it.

There was also a little too much of the freakish weather – a few days where the temps teetered around 40 degrees Celsius and others were the sky circled in shades of grey and there may have been a dusting or sprinkling of a pathetic attempt at rain. This week looks like it may just be heading in the same direction.

Poor ol’ Blair has been bouncing around with a cone-thingie-magigie around her head. It’s the funniest thing to watch. Initially the poor gal went into a state of absolute terrror, but we have just had to persevere with it for the sake of her poor eye. Thankfully she is healing up nicely and not too perturbed (that much) by it anymore.

Saturday Rob switched over to watch the Rugby. I have no idea how long its been since we have watched any form of sporting on t.v. In the past I probably would have cringed at the thought of having to endure a game where I have no choice but to openly admit I have no clue as to what is happening. But, this time, I pulled out all my older knit projects and added finishing touches to them while pretending to watch. At least I was there in body right? Sadly, from all the hullabaloo, shrieks and moans from all the boys – we lost to the All Blacks, but in all fairness – Rob did says we played like idiots. I say, well done to the Boks for getting thus far. *insert sly chuckle here*

This week I will be keeping a close eye on our post box. I am patiently (well trying to be) waiting on the new supplies for my soap making obsession. I have quite a big order to get through before the end of November, for a very special customer that will be visiting us from England in December.
The boys have less than 2 months of school to go before the end of the year. So the week days have become pretty darn quiet around here while Joshua swots for his exams for next month. Keeping Garren busy during these quiet days has become easier as he gets older. We have now added a work table in his new bedroom and he spends his time drawing in his little journal and rebuilding his Lego pirate ship he got for his birthday this year.

I HOPE to share a few blogger sites a week (weather permitting) for you all to hop on over and show some love to. There are days when a little comment from someone out there makes all the difference in the world. Stop by when you have a chance – peruse their site and if you like what you see add them to your feed link.

This week head on over and say hi to Jeanette from The Farm and Wendy from Crickleberry Cottage
Thank you all so much for all your comments on my last post. I love your comments. Every single one of them make me smile.

Have a blessed week ahead.

Love Angie xx

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Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.