Wednesday 14 October 2015

homespun chicks

I have woken to a morning of blissfully cooler skies and a more comfortable 23 degrees. I cant believe how sweltering it has been over the last few days. Yesterday, midday, saw us reaching temps of over 40 degrees Celsius! How are we expected to cope with this kind of heat? (only Mother Nature dearest must know). I feel a little frightened for when our Summer does eventually arrive. Garren said that when they weren't in PE lessons, yesterday, the teachers let the boys take breaks through the day and run through the sprinklers at school. And when the boys got home from school they all jumped in the pool again. 
But, with that being said, yesterday afternoon the heat wave finally broke and dirty grey clouds circled the sky for a slightly cooler afternoon and milder evening. Not quite the weather and natural light I needed for picture taking for this post today though. It seemed, at the time, that there may not be a post today at all - Zeus had a hand in it too - when he saw me trying to take photos outside for a little more natural light, he kept on playfully pouncing at me and truly thought the eggs here were a treat just for him. Contending with a puppy his size can sometimes be overwhelming. He of course has no clue that his puppy bounding can almost knock me right off my feet. Oh well, its just one of those things - right? I will have to try again through the week.

The inspiration for our Homespun Chicks came from the lovely Nalle's House, they are so very easy to whip up with simple stitching. I just love that! I am busy with other knit projects, that take a little longer to finish off, so I find that knitting up something like this is fun and I could see the results within a few minutes. I haven't quite finished loading all the blaah blaah on my Ravelry account just yet - I will get to that a little later in the day. And as soon as I capture the right picture I will load them up on our little store too. 
Of course, today I will be joining the lovely Ginny for Yarn Along. It has been far too long since I linked up! 
Will I be connecting with you there? 
love angie xxx

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the egg cosies they are adorable. Hope you all manage to stay cool.


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