Tuesday 28 April 2020

His Birthday

Hello there,

We hope you are all well. We are still here keeping to the rules of the lock down and staying put until we are told otherwise. News has it that our government has decided to ease the rules and very slowly start on the economy going again. For most that would be something to celebrate. I on the other hand am so very nervous about it all.

On a lighter note we celebrated Rob's Birthday as rustic as we know how. Strangely for the first time in more years than we can remember it was cold and it rained on his special day. But, that did not stop us from celebrating in true South African style. We braaied and I baked up a traditional Melktert that he requested for his birthday cake. The boys knocked together candle stand for the occasion and we sang unapologetically and so out of tune for him into his next spin around the sun.

Thank you for all your comments and messages sent through to us on our last update and for all the well wishes sent through for Rob on his birthday.

We send you all much love. Stay warm and safe and never forget to love on your loved ones every moment you get.

Much love and abundance.
The Pitout Home


  1. Well that looks like a fabulous birthday party! I am so glad you had fun. Rob looks very happy indeed. I hope my lot are getting their act together for my birthday next week... x

  2. Happy birthday to Rob. So many things being celebrated in this time of lockdown, they're celebrations which won't be forgotten in a hurry.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!

    Delightful family gathering!

    I understand your being nervous about re-opening.

    It's just that I feel, we have to. Or at least, have to consider it. But to each, their own view!!!!!

    Gentle hugs...

    Let healthy go back to work...
    Compromised people,
    Still stay home.


Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.