Monday 10 September 2018

Week Ends

Hello there, 

Thank you again for all the well wishes for our Danika. Although we are still waiting for a hospital bed for her, she is absolutely fine. She has no pain and the swelling in her mouth were her teeth broke has gone down too. It is as if it never happened, well except for the missing places in her mouth where they broke. I almost feel compelled to cancel this whole surgery. Rob seems to think otherwise and feels that it still needs to be done or there will be another flare up. I'm sure he is right - I am still just apprehensive about it all.

The sky changed late Friday afternoon to the darkest shade of grey that it has been in quite a long while. We took a chance and wrapped up warmly and made our way to soccer practice. Only to find when we got there that Garren had forgotten to pack his togs in his bag. So we excused ourselves, as he wouldn't be allowed on the field without them AND we knew that by the time we should return from collecting them practice would be over with, so made our way home. We arrived home just as the clouds began to open and gift us a fine drizzle.

It came down softly all through the night and when we woke on Saturday morning it was cold. The cold that freezes to the bone. Snow had landed on the mountains and the winds that swept of that range howled through our pines and brought back a Winter that we hadn't actually had this year at all. The sky grumbled through most of the day and with it a downpour of rain that we all gazed out the windows at. It was beautiful - but cold. Rob left mid morning to help a friend install lighting into his warehouse. When he arrived home he was drenched and battered and bruised from falling off a ladder. He is better today with a little swelling left and achy muscles. Much of the day was spent cooking up a curry in the kitchen for dinner and being curled up on the couch adding a few rows to my knitting and reading The Gruffalo's Child on repeat.

Credit: @a n g e l a 🌙

➖ watching the rain fall from my kitchen window 💦 ... all the kids have cabin fever! If there wasn't a cold wind blowing off the snow on the mountains I'd let them out to play 🌬❄️

Sunday the clouds cleared but that icy wind kept up it's dance through the forest. We decided it best not to venture out but rather catch up with each other around the table for Sunday Roast and then movies of Peter Rabbit (Danika's favourite) and Marley and Me  ('cause who doesn't like the Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston comedy).

I am hoping for a bit more routine this week and a little more warmth to warm up these bones of mine. I could do with a little of both. How was your weekend? Did you get out or stay in?

blessings for the week ahead my friends.
love as always, Angela ♥


  1. We stayed in and enjoyed each other company, good food and a film. Hope hubby is feeling better fro his fall.

    1. That's sounds lovely! Yes he's much better today - thank you 🌻

  2. What a lovely family! In faraway Vermont, fall is moving in.

    1. Thank you - yes I am so very blessed 🌻 Thank you for stopping by xx

  3. I am so glad to hear that Danika is doing much better. It sounds like you had a lovely nesting weekend, except for the kids getting cabin fever of course! There's something snuggly about rain on the weekends when you don't have to be out and about. xx Susan

  4. hope you get the date soon, I am sure once she gets those pesky teeth out she will be a very very happy child :) and you will be a very relaxed mom.

    1. I do too Karen + yes I am sure we will be back to all her sweet antics soon as this whole ordeal is over 💗

  5. Hello!
    I am so very happy to have found your blog!
    Thank you for visiting me.
    I hope your little one is feeling better.
    And I am glad you had a cozy weekend.
    We are beginning fall here, and I am so happy!

    1. Hello Billy Jo and welcome!
      I've just read your new post + I must add that you have a beautiful home 💗
      We're seeing all the signs of spring here ☺️

  6. You are such an excellent writer. Too bad that your son forgot his things. I remember doing the same as a little girl. I hope your husband is okay. It sounds like you are warm and cozy while knitting...

    1. How kind of you 💗 Rob is much better thank you for asking 🌼

  7. I hope a bed becomes available soon for Danika, better to get these things done with sooner rather than later. I hope Rob is feeling a little better now and isn't too sore. It's nice to hunker down on cold and wet days, though I understand about the little ones getting cabin fever, there's only so much energy they can burn off indoors.

    1. Rob is much better - thank you Fiona 💗💗
      I do look forward to rainy weather - we need it so very badly here in South Africa!


Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.