Tuesday 4 July 2017

Let It Be.

Hello there, Greetings, Sawubona, Merry Meet & Welcome.

I am so very excited to share here with you all. As you can see I am sporting a new look (again - but this time, to stay for a while J ) and a new url name.

I am officially angelaallan.com sweet beautiful beings!!

I am over joyed, excited and most certainly overly thrilled that I could shriek out with utter glee. Of course we are all still Where Wildlings Grow on the blog - I am still in awe of this name so it may stick around for a while longer. BUT the rest of it is me and my shenanigan-ly business-ness.

I was asked a wee while back why I wouldn’t use our blog name for my new self-hosted name for my very own site. And it’s really quite simple. After much thought and consideration, I knew that it would be a name that would need to stick and stay with me for a long while, something that I just couldn’t change with the New Moon or when some thought ticked over in my scrambled egg brain. Then it came like a light bulb moment.. Gosh darn, I’ve like had it in my life for about 38ish years – right? (Well except for a small few of them a decade and a half or so ago) Yes, it’s a name that might just surpass them all. (I shall insert a small chuckle here now). Blog names come and go, as you may all have seen with me. They are like the changing phases of our dear Luna, like our moods and that of the loved ones around us. angelaallan.com is one that will forge forward like its owner through all its phases.

Again to you all who stick around to see all the silly senseless sometimes mundane shares I post. I thank you from the deepest darkest parts of my heart. You all are so super special to me and my tribe and we so love having you connect with us.

Please bear with me as I carry on with the setting up process of my website. For me it’s always the fun part. It shouldn’t interfere too much with the post shares at all. In meantime my About page is up, our Shop is ready for me to add our goodies to and I’ve added the link to my Ravelry account for you to see what’s wip on the needles. Below are links to my Facebook page and the follow button to my Instagram account. You can also sign up to get each of our updates right in your Inbox, should you choose. The future holds spots for Sponsors to advertise here too. There occasionally will be links to pretty things I may be affiliated with – this sweet blog, here, cant fund itself you know. I do promise to share affiliate links that I feel are lovely and helpful to you and your tribe if your feel that this may appeal to you, you can Email me. I would love to hear from you, link up with you, build friendships with you! Oh goodness me – again… Thank you!

Now, I think that I have covered all the bits and pieces that come with an introduction? Did I leave anything out?

Oh yes, when pulling through the blog most of the comments that you had all made on the old blog did not filter through – the joys of not owning your own site I suppose. I do apologise and I hope you understand. I loved reading each and every one that was made by you all. I am deeply saddened that they didn’t filter through but I know in my heart that they were there to begin with. Thank you!

I leave you with a little something from the weekend (a pre-post - to come - so to speak.)


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqHEhbAlQZQ]

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Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.