Saturday 8 July 2017

Beginnings Of New.

There is dust from the belt sander still laying thick on my towering Hibiscus and there is a splattered fine dust of the same on my potted Strawberry plant - that bird that has tweeted us to school and back home again for the last few months has finally died and with it our little grey car too. Thank goodness the boys are on their mid-year break, how I have welcomed it, not only for them but for myself too. They’re sleeping in and catching up with themselves after a very busy second term of school. Which means now our little grey Tazzie car can recover and get the tender loving care it needs to get it back on the road again.

Our home is beginning to get a makeover, starting from the outside. Wooden window panes and doors have been sanded and are drying from the second or third coat of varnish lovingly slathered all over it. It’s been so wonderful watching the wood come to life again. There is still so much to be done though. The front veranda and pathway are also under construction after a root from the knobbly green trunk was lifting the paving and slithering its way under the house. That now needs to all be cemented and tiled back into place again. Tristan has been heading the man power behind these projects while Rob is at work and its looking amazing. For a man-child who isn’t hands on physically he sure knows how to get it all done professionally.

He may just have to start his own business in household repairs and small renovations. We are in Africa so qualifications don’t count here.

I have been fighting off something. I still haven’t figured out just what it is yet. Headaches, a twitching right eyelid and slightly low demeanour of late. I can’t put it down to anything much. Danika doesn’t sleep badly at all, she does get restless at times, but once nursed she settles again. I remember the days when the boys used to wake and want to play through the wee hours of the morning. Thank goodness she doesn’t do that. I don’t think I would be managing. But, in saying that, I do feel like there is something amiss at the moment that may need a good dosing of tissue salts, essential oils and mild hibernation to bring me back from. Could it be all about the Wolf full moon approaching on Sunday? Maybe once we’ve peaked I will get all balanced and aligned again. I look forward to the coming Equinox. We really haven’t had an unbearable Winter at all this year, but longer daylight hours would make for more hours in the day for me to get things done. With that being said I bet Rob will curse me by admitting that there hasn’t been that much freeze, cause he knows that come September the snow falls on the mountains and he will have to take us all to it. (he isn’t a winter, snow, dark and cold person at all).

I’d like to say that I have a few more knitted baby star gnomes to add to our shop but sadly I don’t. I just haven’t had a moment to get the needles together but I do plan to get a few more soaps listed this month. The last batch of Chamomile + Rose did so very well, I am please – thank you for your support everyone. I had no idea this batch that I had made for Danika would be so pretty and popular. One customer said she even uses to wash her hair with.

I can’t seem to make up my mind if I should do another batch of Hibiscus or Lavender.

What do you think? I do have dried flowers of both. I have enough for one more batch before I order in new supplies.

Again this year I only received a school and class photograph of our Garren. Joshua has claimed a no go again. Rob and I had a good ol’ chuckle when we received it and were told that this was his Justin Bieber look!

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