Saturday 31 December 2016

thoughts going forward.

I cant say this is one of the prettiest photographs out there of me. But this is me, right at this very moment. Babywearing, smudged attempt at one handed make-up application (just so that I dont look like death itself) and regrowth of my hair that hasn't had a touch of dye in over a year.

This is me! This is all me in my life right at this very moment.

I've had plenty of moments like this over the past couple of months. Moments where I have had time to reflect as to were I am going with all of these moments. Moments were I have thought were am I going with my shares, with this blog and the dreams I had before all these moments came to be.

Although, I still fiercely believe in the magick of the seasons, I am also fiercely walking the stepping stones of a mama with children in various stages of life. Tristan will be handed his key to his life this coming new year, he will be 21. Joshua at 16 still figuring out if the subjects he has chosen at school will be relevant in his dreams for his future, and consciously trying to figure out how to get away from the noise that is his younger brother and baby sister. Garren anxious about who will be in his grade three class next year and if another kick to his older brothers shins at the dinner table might go unnoticed. Danika.. well lets just say I am doing all the figuring our for at this moment. Rob and I trying tor juggle and balance the bliss of family life with the stresses of work. These are all real feelings and thoughts and milestones not just for me but for all of us.

So, where am I going, where do I want to be? Not 20 years from now- cause that would make me like.. almost 60 something or other. But where do I want to be right now, tomorrow and the next day. What do I want to share with you today, tomorrow and the next. These are the kind of thoughts that twirl around my head now that we have welcomed a little baby girl into home and our lives. After being a mama to boys for twenty years, I thought that it would be just the same with a little girl. But, I am not too sure about this anymore. They are very different - aren't they? Like a delicate little flower? They kind of change all those perceptions you had – dont they?

So, I am going back and forth in my mind and can feel change not only happening within me but change within our little tribe now that our boy tribe has a growing little flower, a little lady.

I have hopes to keep this little blog going in the same direction, with shares about our family and shares about what is cooking in my kitchen and growing in my garden and of course shares about whats all knitting up on my needles. But, I think its time for me to also share my intentions and my personal traditions as I, we... us... live by the seasons here in South Africa.

So that is what my plans are for the new calendar year. Intention.. Intuition.. Family.. Magick… and trying to keep it all constant, with a dash of smudged eyeliner. 
Who knows maybe those smudges may start a new tradition out there.

Thank you for sharing in all these with us my friends. May the new year bring all your intentions to life and bless you with not too much or too little but rather exactly what you need.

❤ Angie


  1. I love this... and I love you and your little family... and yes, Girls are different than boys. I had 3 girls and then my one boy. It's so much fun. ❤

  2. Oh, Angie...I can so relate...the smudge of eyeliner so as not to look like death itself lol ;)...balancing our needs and ideas and intentions with all the very different ones of the little people that surround us isn't a simple task, but you, my friend, are doing it beautifully ❤. I do hope you continue sharing your beautiful, real life, as well as the inner magick of your unique and wonderful soul! I wish you plenty of inspiration for the new year, balanced out with plenty of rest and self care, mama❤

  3. Happy New year! Sounds like you are loving life and thinking all about the stages of parenting. Each and every stage is wonderful!!

  4. What a joy children bring and all at different stages of their lives. Looking forward to following your journey through the next stages and learning a little more about your traditions. Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy 2017.


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