Wednesday 28 December 2016

Sock Wool

Merry in between everything day everyone. This little space between Christmas and the New Calendar year is always wonderful. One coming down from the high of the holidays and reflecting on whats new on the horizon for the Calendar year. Do you do resolutions every year? I haven't for a good couple years gone by now and I think that this year I may go against all that from before and set my intentions for the coming year this old years day.

For Christmas I was gifted my first Sock Wool ever and a set of new DPN’s from my beloved family. I am so super excited about knitting up with these. I have never made socks before and I have always wanted to try my hand at it. Sock wool is rather an expensive buy around these parts so I will be going slow on this pattern and just enjoy learning and growing with the experience. I have no intention of rushing through, although I know the temptation will be strong to get them done as fast as possible to see the finished project, and I think our wee one will help with the go slow process too.

I have cast on for Vanilla Socks with my Bermuda coloured sock wool. Who will these be for? I always say they’ll be for me, but that never ends up being. So, I will weave them up and add them to the homemade gift basket for the our Yule celebrations in the coming year. Who knows, as I knit up a face or name may come to mind. Time will tell. I will just have to wait and see, again a patience game.

If you would like, you can follow along or get the pattern from my Ravelry account >HERE< and my Instagram account >HERE<

So, slow and easy does it. I also cast on for a Toadstool Baby Rattle in left over bits n threads that we have plenty of. Danika will be coming of age for something to hold onto and jiggle about soon. I cant believe that she is close to heading into her third month in her beautifully gifted earth suit.
I remembered that it’s Wednesday today – for a change - so I will be joining in with the lovely creatures over at Ginny’s yarnalong. Looking forward to catching up with you all again ladies!

hugs a plenty.



  1. I have been mulling over what I want to focus on for 2017....nothing is cemented but I have thought up some good ones. Mostly health related. Lovely wool and a lovely photo :)

  2. Such peaceful and beautiful photos! Happy holidays!

  3. Socks are super exciting to do, enjoy xx Have a very happy new year!

  4. Enjoy your knitting. I have never knit socks though I would like to. I have a pair that my aunt knit that I will be wearing today when we go ice-skating. Your babe is adorable. Happy New Year!

  5. I tried socks last year with the magic loop method...I think I will give it another go later this year.

  6. I loved reading this post - the idea of knitting slowly and enjoying the process is so far from the Christmas projects I had been frantically getting done of late - I love the idea of slowing down and enjoying the process.I don't make resolutions, I do the "one word" approach - you choose a word and make that the focus for your year. I have done it for four years now and I LOVE it! That's a great OneWord365 group on Facebook or if you look up One Word, you should find the webpage. It's brilliant!


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