Wednesday 25 May 2016

Quiet time.

Ive been trying to catch my breath. The week gone by seems to be a blur of school activities, late nights and not much sleep.

Garren had his Day and Night Soccer Festival on Wednesday evening and I’ve become one of those Mums who “run” the side field with camera phone in hand yelling happiness at my team. Who would have thought? The evening ended late and trying to get smelly dirty boys cleaned up afterwards when we were without water, yet again, has become tiresome. The novelty may be slowly wearing off. This has continued on and off through the week. There is also the start of our very first grade 2 project about frogs – more about that in a later post when we are done. And, Joshua is almost non existence, he appears only for snack breaks. This is sure sign that exams are just around the corner. This time of the term my home is very quiet - you would think by now that I would be used to that? I got message from Tristan, all is well in Durban and he is still loving student life away from home with his friends in his digs. There were plans for him to be home this weekend, but as per the life of a young student, something has come up and so we may only see him again the following weekend? Rob finally completed the foundation for our water tank. He has been obsessed with this little project for months, so its good to see him use up some of that pent up obsessed energy. The foundation looks quite professional. He really has a knack for home improvements and maintenance. The extended veggie garden is growing beautifully, I must admit I wasn't sure the seeds would take being that we started so late, and strangely I was happy with that. BUT the seeds are all growing and happy and I am so pleased. Watering is Rob’s job at the moment. It is just too dark by the time we get home from our day out that it really does shorten our day by a good couple of hours which does make me miss the Summer months.

I haven't started on any new reading. Sadly my e-reader broke. The strangest thing really, I have never seen anything like it. I went to get it in the study to find a pattern I had saved and the battery had popped! Not really an explosion but it popped up and broke the front half off the reader from the back half and well… now it will never work again. I wish I had backed up the hard drive, but alas not, so I will be starting a fresh with my collection. So, for now, I am still flipping through the pages and making notes from a “real book” Home Herbal by Penelope Ody. I have finally found where I can get my grubby little paws on Wood Betony for my collection and I hope to go coastal to collect rather than have it posted. I may just add a few other herbs and oils to my list to really make it worth our while. I suppose, I should prepare Rob now for the bill?

The Starseed Sleep Sack is coming along I have changed the original pattern a little. I got the idea while reading Elizabeth’s Farmer’s Market Hat pattern (its next on my hat to make list). Instead of just flowing from one colour to another I’ve just been knitting one and purling one in the first row of the new colour. I thought it quite pretty.

There were so many moments in pictures I could have shared here – but this one just spoke to me. “Sunday quiet time with growing belly, godchild and knitting….” was the title for this instagram share. It was the most restful moment of the week.

joining dear Ginny and Nicole


  1. how weird that your ereader went....sad, but maybe you can buy another one?? When my kids were younger I never thought I'd be a tennis mom....I never really understood the game but I was there cheering it all on :)

  2. I am laughing with you about being a soccer mom. I have three girls (and likely to be four) in ballet, and I have become a ballet mom! We have a son who started baseball, and even though I really don't know that much about it, I imagine we'll be "those" parents soon, too.

  3. You have been busy. We lived without running water three months once during a drought and it was awful. Sorry your e reader broke. I collect a lot of books about herbal medicine too.

  4. sounds like your ereader battery went bad


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