Monday 30 May 2016

Farewell May.

My grade two-er is having the busiest school term to date. Sports festivals, class projects and family assembly's and there is still a whole long list to come before the school term comes to a close. I am trying to keep up with it all and have to take a step back, every so often, and feel very thankful that this time around there is only one small one to completely and obsessively dote on while in state of pudding brain. I seem to be blessed with the perfect spacing between each of my boys and now starseed.

Josh is still very much in study mode though he had taken this past weekend off to head coastal and spend it with Tristan. I sent him off with bakes for his older brother and flat mates - in vain hope that I will not be forgotten in it all. oh, the woes of a mother of much older children. Lets hold thumbs, shall we, that said bakes made their way to destination without sticky fingers finding them first. There were stern orders, but you know how teenage boys are. For our close friends and family the boys will be sending out their news on a monthly basis too. I had hoped to help them start it sooner, but you know how it goes…. I suppose better late than never? If you want to be added to that mailing list let me know.

On the home front - the girls have started laying an egg each again. Thank you girls! I had no idea how lost I would feel without these little treasures and how expensive and totally tasteless supermarket eggs have become to me while in waiting for them to give up on being broody. The bigger forest veggie patch is growing in leaps and bounds, so much so that, Rob has had to construct a bamboo teepee for the climbing purple beans. I had given up hope on the colourful carrots but on closer inspection they are there growing through all that rough African soil. We are still harvesting homegrowns from our backyard veggie patch. There isn’t much left in there except for spinach, celery and Oupie’s Chillies. I'm raising the likes of Pop-Eye men and boys around here, so there can never be enough of the green leafy goodness on their dinner plates.

The month is rapidly coming to a close and I have been working on my first Acornkids newsletter that will be sent out in the first week of the new month. I’ve tried to en-capture all the specials and relevant information needed in links in the one email without over doing the whole layout and then ending with something that is way to busy and disorientating. I hope my dear customers will be pleased with it. I will also announce the winner of Garren’s facebook Giveaway in it too. I am hoping to try and keep most of the marketing and business updates to email. I have hope that I will have my small business more organised before our new arrival’s earth landing come October. The email is a work in progress and I do hope you will reply with constructive feed back. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so by clicking HERE. Please note this is for South African residents. We have not yet ventured out to distant shores.

On the homemade front - my lippy love is a much loved winter commodity around these parts, who would have thought? I haven't added it to the store as it really is so much cheaper than actual postage. But, for those who would still like kissable lips this winter let me know *insert-wink-here*. AND… well, you will still be finding me in the kids school parking lot in the early mornings and late afternoons clinking away at them needles - if you see me there come on over and say hi!

I hope your new month ahead is blessed with all that you need.


  1. Oh those crisp autumn nights at the soccer field!! I remember them well!! We're hoping to get Megan into soccer this coming fall as well. Two out of three of my boys played when they were younger. It's a wonderful sport for children. Much more exciting than baseball if you ask me. : ) When is your new baby due? I have three boys and then we had Megan. Girls are a whole other world!!! UGGHH!!! I wouldn't trade her for the world though. Have a beautiful weekend on the other side of the world!! xoxo~ Wendy

  2. Sounds like a busy in the best kind of way May. Glad your hens are laying again for you. There is nothing tastier than a freshly laid egg for breakfast. Those chocolate brownies look delicious. I am sure they didn't last long :) Have a great weekend!


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