Monday 11 February 2019

Saying Farewell

I woke this morning to my usual chores of getting the laundry on the go and washing up of the last of the dinner dishes. There are always more to do even though most of them get done after dinner in the evening. I opened the kitchen curtains and my heart broke a little more. My morning view of our feathered egg laying friends that greet me daily had changed. Instead there was an empty coop. It had finally hit home that they had been re-homed. Our girls have been part of our family since 2014 and have delighted us in so many ways. But, with all things (that are happening in our lives at the moment) it was time to send them back to their original home "Bits n Pieces Farm.
It was a sad day. Saying goodbye brought back so many memories of their time with us. Our very first egg, our first hatching and the umpteen memories of cleaning and feeding and chit chatting away with them. I know that they will be much happier now. As soon as they are settled they will slowly be integrated with the others and will free range as we had always hoped they would. They will make new friends and be part of a community that will give them the life that we wanted to give them but could not because of our monkey neighbours and scary predatory bird life. 

They have been so very special and I hope that in our future we will once again share new memories with a new flock.


  1. What a shame, but at least you know they will get a good life. It's always tough when making decisions for the best for our feathered and furry friends.

  2. I am sorry you had to say good bye to your hens but I guess if they are moving to a happy place it is maybe a sad feeling with a happy undertone. We'd love hens but there are so many foxes in our neighbourhood that we would need to keep the hens in a fortress, which doesn't sound so much fun for the birds. Have a lovely week.

  3. Oh so sorry you had to say goodbye to your hens :(

  4. Oh my goodness, this broke my heart to read. But those memories... cherish them.
    (I just added you to my blog reader, so I won't miss a thing now!) :)

  5. sorry that you had to rehome them, I hope they are happy in the new place.

    1. thank you - and yes they are! they can free range to their hearts content!


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