Tuesday 4 September 2018

On Week Ends (and a blue monday)

Our weekend was far from angelic as pictured in these few moments from the days gone by. 

Friday saw us calling all the dentists in our town for an appointment for Danika. Not one could fit her in that day. It was such a worry and I could see that she was beginning to get utterly miserable. Finally Rob found one in Hilton who slotted her in on Saturday morning. We managed through the evening by taking her mind off of it all at Garren's soccer practice and allowing her to feed from me on demand. 

Saturday morning we headed off to the Dentist and of course, as predicted, she refused to oblige in any means or form. It was rather traumatic. But what was able to be seen amidst all the attempts is that it best to medicate and revisit on Wednesday for a final decision. I do fear there might be dental surgery to remove these two teeth. I am not sure that I am handling this news very well. I haven't had any of my older ones in surgery or hospital at this age. 

Much of the rest of Saturday she napped and Rob stood the sidelines of the Soccer field cheering on Garren. In the evening we had a braai and let the kids run until late in the evening. Danika's meds had started to work so she was feeling a little better. It is strange to watch a child never medicated react on it. I messaged Tristan, who is back in China, to wish him for his 22nd birthday. They were in the middle of being filmed. He had not had a good morning with his small students and was hoping that the next classes that were being filmed would go better. His friends were going to be taking him out for supper and movie later. It feels very strange not to be baking a cake for his day. I felt a little out of place not seeing him on his birthday too. They say it does get easier.

Sunday the weather was lovely, as it had been the whole weekend. Rob and Garren were at soccer again in the afternoon. Sadly Garren's team lost both matches this weekend so he was feeling down in the dumps - his only consolation was that they have made it into the semi finals for the season. I am not a very competitive person and try on all accounts to teach the children that it is not about winning or loosing but more about that they have participated and have had fun. This always seems to fall on deaf ears with this boy child.

We checked in on our growings and again let the small ones play until late in the evening. 

Monday did not fare well in my attempt to get online. Danika fussed a bit and was a little demanding of attention which I always love to give but then nothing much else gets done.

I am just thankful that it's Tuesday and that it feels like we are in some form of routine again, well for now - who knows what Wednesday's Dentist appointment will bring.

How was your weekend? I hope it was relaxing and spent with all the ones you love.

Love as always, Angela ♥


  1. Hello Angela,
    Sorry to hear of your past few days x
    Poor little Danika she is so young to have problems with her teeth.
    She looks like a little flower in the photo.
    It's upsetting to read that no dentist would see her on Friday
    you would have thought someone could have made the time.

    It can be hard being apart for loved ones Birthday's.
    Better luck next time for Garren's team.
    Lovely healthy growth in the Garden.

    Take Care

    Thinking of you all for tomorrow x

  2. I'm sorry about the dentist surgery worry! I hope that they can treat her and she can feel well again.

  3. I hope by now the Wednesday dentist appointment is done and dusted - poor wee mite, I hope she is not in too much pain. Sending some positive thoughts your way. x

    1. Thank you Christina! We appreciate all those positive thoughts xx

  4. Oh dear, poor thing. She is just adorable. I hope she is out of pain now. I had to have an absess drained a the dentist at age three. It was actually a positive experience. They put me under, I think. They were very kind and sensitive. I hope Danika receives the same treatment.

    1. Thank you! I hope that she experiences the same treatment as you did too xx


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