Monday 27 August 2018

On Week Ends

We had family friends come over for Sunday Lunch this weekend.

How is it that it has been just over three months since we last caught up with them? We used to never go a week without some form of visit. Our conversation kept coming back to this and our conclusion to it all is that life is just so much more busier than it was all those years ago when our older boys were small and we were younger and our men weren't out "hunting and gathering" to ensure that we had enough on our table for our bellies and in our home to keep us warm and safe. Times are a little more difficult now and we all have to work a little harder to keep our homes and families just as they are.

Life happens and it happens so very quickly. 

We sat in awe of our young girls, who I swear, were sent to us from the same star. We also paused in deep thought as we watched the older boys play about the garden. In the next year all will change. Both will be finishing off high school and both have plans to venture out into the world.. Continents away from each other... Continents away from us!

The day was perfect. It could have past for a Summers Day. We ate well, they played well and when the goodbyes came there as always were promises of intentions of more time spent together in the days and months to come.

How was your weekend?

love as always, Angela ♥


  1. Hello Angela
    Sounds like your weekend was a special one
    it's always nice to catch up and spend time
    with friends:)

    Our weekend was good, quiet and simple
    caught up with a few things and cooked
    and baked a lot.
    Enjoyed a lovely walk on Saturday,

    Hope you have a good week x

    1. thank you fiona - blessed week ahead for you and yours too x

  2. Hi Angela, The photos of your family are beautiful. The one constant in life is change. Glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed some reading and knitting on the porch, soaking in the vibes of my front garden.

  3. Sounds like the perfect weekend. My sister and I talk about how busy life has gotten and how little time there is for visiting. Even yesterday, my very words were, why is there so much more to do now and so little time to do it. You have a beautiful family.

    1. one would think in this age of convenience there would be all the time in the world - right? Thank you again x

  4. What a lovely post, it sounds like a magical day. It's always good for the soul to catch up with friends isn't it. Glad you had such a great time.


Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.