Friday 6 April 2018

Postcards from Park Rynie.

Thank You Friday

Thank You Saturday

Thank You Sunday

Thank You Monday

we spent some time away from the Cottage this Easter weekend..
Oh, to those that do celebrate - Blessings for Easter. 
Belated, again, I know. Finding moments to share in the evenings or mornings are not as often as I sometimes hope for. 

Moments from our time away at Park Rynie were perfect. The winds played their part and only whipped through the waves on Friday and Monday but the rest of the time our smallest one could play to her hearts content. Quite different from the time before when we were in Shelly Beach - Do you remember that? 

We managed to get to the beach each day at low tide and on Saturday (the best beach day of them all) even I was able to get into the rock pools with them all and soak up precious sea minerals and vitamin Sun, while tiny reef fish swam about my toes, all the same time. 

Absolute Perfection.

We really do need to this more. Do more of this recharging of all the senses and stabilizing of emotions at the ocean! 

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