Friday 10 November 2017

In News.

.. this will be my catch up post ..

I haven’t updated for a bit now, it seems I may still be on a slow and steady recovery and self healing from my stint in the hospital a week or so ago. I am absolutely fine, really. You go in for a certain thing and come out knowing a whole lot more about yourself in other things.. things that you didn’t actually go in for, yes it was one of those kind of visits. I dont like hospitals and my stay was not a happy one.

I am trying to find my footing again and this weeks’ temps seem to have dragged us back into the chill of winter. I was just chatting with my bff Drisana, from Eternal Bloom Farm, saying that I may have conjured up Winter again here in Africa by dreamily gazing into her beautiful white snowed moments captured on her farm. But the chill wont last for long, according to Rob, we have wicked highs approaching from Sunday again. The boys will be able to get their daily splash fix in soon again.

Witchling Update: Tristan is gathering information about teaching in China (yes, you read right!). Joshua is studying for his year end exams (may the end of it come soon – I beg). Garren is drawing and colouring and planning his first penpal letter (it’s a process, so I am told). And, Danika has taken her first few unaided steps in life. This is all marvelous and wonderful and all emotional, this thing of growing small medium and large beings so that they can one day fly the coop.

I’m trying to take it all in every inch and every second of it but it seems to be going by ever so quickly and I am battling to catch my breath along the way.

Woolen Wips Update: I cast on for a Tunic for Danika after frogging the last one 5 or so rows in. I struggled to knit it in the round on dpns and the dk skein I cast on in wasn’t soft enough for me. Rob then treated me to a new set of circulars and a couple of pretty skeins in mixed pinks for me to work with. I love this and it feels so right even the gull stitch is so much easier than I thought it to be. This tunic may end up being lovely after all. I will keep adding updates to my ravelry account – Are you a raveler – lets link up?

Kitchen Garden Update: There hasn’t been a whole lot of sunshine this past week. It almost feels like my wildlings have paused for a moment. (like their mami, to breathe and regain some strength again) But, in saying this I must add that bold shoots of bamboo have been cut for the 4th and final raised bed. It has been a long messy road and I cant wait until it is finally in so that I can pretty it all up with new fresh wildlings. I am sure Rob cant wait either, he has put the patio on hold to get this complete and I know he is itching to get back to adding the last beams and roof and the end of the tile work. It is going to be so magickal. How are your gardens fairing thus far this season?

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 I got mail today… and in the mail was the perfect trio of witchy happiness for this ol’ Witch Mami’s heart! Thank you to a very special old crone who contributed and I was able to get the whole set. (she is my fairy crone mother) AND, of course, Thank you Anna Hoffman for the words I am about to devour. To you all, I wish you a peace and love for the weekend ahead. I will see you all on the very last word on the very last page of my new reads.

 ps. belated beltane blessings my friends. I was released from hospital just in the nick of time to do a little lighting up of the sky with my tribe. you can see our small clip here.

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