Saturday 30 September 2017

Must Byt Deep Sea

The highlight of our time away was to be the first ever deep sea fishing adventure for Garren. A time for just him and his Papi to both do something that they love together - fish.

He has watched all the fishing shows on the tele and has for years been in awe of it all.

The boat.. the ocean.. the fish.. An adventure to top all adventures.

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My poor bass fisherboy and fisherman. The ocean was not very kind to them at all. The waves chopped at their small boat and the glare off the waves brought on the sea sickness for our small human. I was told of his braveness when the anchor had to be cut from the boat and how in all the turmoil of being thrown from side to side he came through stronger for it.

Secretly, I think in the future he will more partial to the dams and lakes than the untamed ocean.

A Mami's vain hope? Time will tell.


1 comment:

  1. Those are some very rough waters! I can see why Garren got sea sick.😣
    Your photographs are always so amazing. Give a squish to little madam❤


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