Monday 28 August 2017

Catching Up.

It has been way too long since I updated here. It wasn't as if I wasn't here all along. Although this thread has been so sorely neglected, the one that I have been painstakingly updating hasn't. I had promised that my shop would go live once all the my products had been uploaded. But, who would have thought that getting the finer details on my shop would prove to be so difficult. If you have less than 10 products to sell Ecwid is the way to go my friends. It is so super convenient and easy. But, in saying this once I got the hang of my eCommerce application it went a little smoother. If you would like to have a peek at what is on sale or what I may be selling, my Little Acorn Shop is live and thriving - already - thank you! So what have we been up to? This has been a crazy busy month and we still have not seen the end of it. I should have posted about the 5km Women's Challenge that Danika and I took part in, but pushing a pram through our streets with hundreds of other women and mothers alike made picture taking slightly difficult. There is more about that on facebook if you so choose to catch a few glimpses of our morning. We will be celebrating Tristan's 21st trip around our glorious sun in a few days, so a good amount of time has been spent there too. The Hall is hired and spit braai has been booked and the rest of the finer details will be shared after the day. There have also been bouts of various ailments too that come with the changing of the seasons. I do hope we have seen the end of most of them.

Our little side kitchen garden experiment is doing so very well. We have harvested from it at least twice every week this past month. I am pleased - no more monkey invasions! Its not for lack of me wanting to share with them, cause hell - sharing is caring - it's that they flatten everything in their path as they go along and that does not please me as much. So, smaller scale urban farming is more conducive to our little homestead. There are plans to add on another bed in the next month or so. How are your kitchen gardens faring this changing season?

I have been reading "my first 100 farm words" with Danika almost daily now. Of course all the animal sounds have to be made with each animal (how boring would that be without the sound affects!?) Yesterday morning one of the Zulu Kings' (from up over the mountain side) Nguni cows meandered over and passed our home. Of course you can just imagine our delight (well mostly mine) when Danika was able to put a real presence to the words and noises we have been making daily!

All together now... A cow says MOOOO!


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Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.