Saturday 13 May 2017

Winter Is Coming.


As I sit here and write this type this, I’m mentally preparing for the first cold front of the Season to sweep on in. I think they are predicting snow. Who has snow in May, In Africa? I don’t think that it will be anywhere close enough for us to venture out and find – they are saying it will fall Lesotho way and Drakensburg (a little more closer to home). But nevertheless _ SNOW_! I’ve been saying it for months now. “We haven’t had a proper Winter around these parts in years!” and “I feel that this year we’re in for a real Winter. Last year, while I was still pregnant with Danika, we took Garren to play in the snow that blanketed the mountains in Impendle. I wonder if we will be snow hunting a little closer to town this year? This may be the weekend we pull out the winter blankets and get those electric blankets on the beds. Winter is Coming!




We’ve had “Electricity Day” and Grade 3 Cake Sale keeping us rather busy. Garren kept on about Electricity day, and I just could not understand how Electricity Day corresponded with Book Day until on our way home an absolute exasperated Garren corrected me, saying NOT book day MOM – ELECTRICITY day! Light bulb moment to say the very least and - Rob and Garren decided to go with Centipede for the theme James and The Giant Peach. My only contribution to the dress up this year was maybe they should try stuffed pantyhose attached to the his shirt for arms. They decided it was a brilliant idea and off they went and managed to pull together a rather rustic African version of The Centipede. There was even a cigar to go with the whole look. I am utterly impressed and so proud with both Dad and Son.

I don’t know what I would do without the aid of Tristan these days. He has become such a great help in the kitchen whipping up the occasional supper and even monitoring a homework evening or two for me while I attend to the others. This year’s contribution to the Grade 3 cake sale was curtesy of Tristan’s baked vanilla muffins and whip chocolate frosting which Garren slathered on in heaps and sprinkled hundreds and thousands on to. Again so very proud – if I wasn’t so very proud I might begin to feel a little inadequate and have no purpose here anymore. But, I am going to rather go with… they are just so darn clever and becoming so independent and they are going to make such helpful wonderful husbands – one day!

Joshua sliced open his toe over the weekend which saw us at the medical centre for a couple of hours that day. Initially it was supposed have been stitched up, but then the Doctor on duty decided that it probably best to be glued because of the nail that was in the way. Well, after the last few evening of Play practise and running to various classrooms through the day at school, …. well-you-know … I am not going to go in to the gory details, so - we are off to the Doctor again! I am still trying to figure out just how he is going to jump and bump and grind to “American Idiot” alongside a bunch of hormonal teenage boys “moshing” on stage with one working foot? This could end up being a very interesting story. I personally hope it doesn’t.

On another note, a social note, I would just like to say thank you for all the love shown to my new page and blog and name change. I really feel so very blessed to have you always beside me in all my crazy wild scatter brain ideas and notions. You are all my Tribu Mère !!



I would also just like to - slyly insert a sticky note right here – say that I have signed out of my personal Facebook account. It’s been a long time in the making. As most of you know I have been on and off there for a while now. But I think, no.. wait I know, that this is the beginning of the end. Please don’t take offence it really has nothing to do with you as a person.. its me.. and it’s the ugliness that is allowed to be shared and the fact that some of this ugliness is shared to show awareness….? I am not too sure how this sharing is supposed to help in anyway. But, I know this is NOT something I wish to be part of. I live in a country divided and at war with itself and I can’t run away and hide from that. But what I can do is CHOOSE what I like to see and learn and grow from in my spare time.

My shares will continue on my new page Where Wildlings Grow on Facebook which will come from Instagram. (what a wonderful web)

Please feel free to Email me should you need to contact me or direct message me on Instagram.

And now tuning back to the bright and beautiful, where we will stay from now onwards!

We’re heading into the weekend. Do you have any special plans in the making?

Oh, and PS. - don’t forget to remember - Mother’s day on Sunday.

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Oh and ppssss what do you think of the this lovely little logo that came in my mail today – thank you Frank!


1 comment:

  1. Love your photos, as usual!! That baby is absolutely yummy!!!! xoxo


Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.