Thursday 1 June 2017

Protecting the Sprouts.

Rob and I had no idea that our little wildlings in the new veggie bed would sprout just as they have. We threw blessed seeds in with intense hopes and dreams and those blessed hopes have turned into little greenlings doing their thing against all the odds of the winter coldness that has finally arrived here to our space.

So, ever so thankful for the sprouts, we got the boys to help gather fallen pine needles to help keep them safe against the frost that will arrive and the winds that will make themselves known as the sweep from the Drakensburg snow-capped mountains.



  1. Awesome! Love that you guys have such a long growing season! Slightly jealous...��

  2. we have yet to plant anything, and I doubt we husband is in charge and he's busy! lovely gardens in your yard.

  3. What a wonderful idea to use the pine needles!! Everything still looks so green. By the time winter arrives here in NY, it's grey and usually very dreary looking. Do you have an autumn season? Do the leaves changes colors? xoxo~ Wendy

  4. So much promise!Fidget spinners are really popular here too right now.

  5. Just found your blog. I can't wait to read all the lovely posts.


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