Tuesday 13 December 2016

changing tables

This sweet little flower of ours is a whole two months. I look at her precious little face and ask where on this sacred earth does the time go to? Surely not two whole months already? But, in all honesty, I have to check myself and just come to terms with it and acknowledge it. So what better way to acknowledge it than to do it right here.

I had also told many a face that I was not the kind of Mama that broadcast each and every milestone that my little ones (who are now all big - I might add) had achieved. And, I promised not to go through all of that here – but… in all fairness there was no social media or this blog here when they were all small. So, who knows in all truth if I would have been that kind of Mama or not. AND, I rearranged her dressing table in celebration of her turning a whole two months as she has grown so lately that her changing area was just getting too darn small!

This was a team effort and I presume the start of many other changes to come in the future. They were ever so eager and oh so proud to be part of it all.

Oh and those little purple and white shoes there that look all a blur – (‘cause as Ive said before.. children like chickens are hard to capture) they are a little crochet gift in celebration from our Oumie.


  1. Seeing your boys carrying the table smiled, your garden is so like the one I left behind and it brought a sharp pang of memory. My eldest son was a babe in Africa and now, at 18, he is a young man - we still try to do bare feet, but can be a little chilly here in the uk!

  2. Oh my goodness how she has grown, they are not small for very long are they? I loved the team effort, such thoughtfulness.

  3. she is a beauty!! and I say go on about those milestones because it's nice to document the every day :) And it would be a treasure to look back upon.

  4. Cute little shoes. I love baby shoes.

  5. How sweet! My little girl will be three months in a few days, so I love reading about other mama's with babies at similar ages. Those sandals are adorable!

  6. i want to thank you for sharing such PRECIOUS and adorable pithure of your little angle .one cannot take risk to blink eye and waste moment to look at her cute face [May God Bless Her with long healthy life with you dear]you live in heaven as i can see in your photo .you are brilliant in you management as how beautifully you arranged her table and loved each shot of sweetheart.god bless you and family


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