Sunday 21 August 2016

a little of This and a little of That.

Rob and Garren have been busying themselves with getting the tree house up. I took a meander out while they were digging and cementing in poles awhile back and, well, I'm still not crazy happy with the height that these two think is acceptable for a tree house.

Why is it that mum’s have to be the drags and point out that there are safety issues in all of the adventures that all these boys (including Rob) decided to venture into to.

I can hear Garren mutter that he cant wait for this baby to arrive so that I will be more “focused on that than these kind of very important things that boys do”… 
(i guess we will have to see about that!)

We have also got our ad into the free paper that circulates our town. Although Rob does air-conditioning by “trade” he spends a lot of his free time on refrigeration. And, it helps our home financially in a big way. When Garren was a baby this is how we bought in good money so, after long adult like discussions we decided that it would add to the household income with the seasond veggies that will be sold and the goodies I sell on the sideline too. So, if you know of anyone who has a fridge or freezer that is just lying collecting dust and would like to have Rob come on over and have a peek and give it a quote let us know.

Saturday blessed us with rain….! I dont think you can understand how happy that makes me. We are still in drought and in such need of as much earth quenching water we can possible take. The boys, on the other-hand, dont seem to agree with me. When it rains it hinders any of their outside adventures.

I got to finish an order of Goats Milk and Lavender Soap that needs to be delivered this week. I am so blessed with the orders for my handmade homemade goodies. I really dont think that I thank you all enough.

There are plans in the pipeline to try out different and new combinations – what are you favourite aromas for soap?

This past week has also found not a lot of cellphone time. I am slowly weaning myself and the social online (facebook) world from each other. I did mention this a while ago when we first found out that we were pregnant. This social app does seem to consume so much from me and I know that in the coming months not only will I not have the time to chat and connect there but also there will not be the money for that either. There have been sporadic moments while I was setting up my online shop were facebook seem to monoplise my time. But, that has been all set up and now, I'm ready to just calmly wait on our little gift to arrive. My shares will be from here and occasionally on instagram (of course).

I am looking forward to getting back to the basics again *wink*…  a blessed new week ahead to you and yours!


  1. I am so looking forward to seeing the treehouse. The soap looks amazing, I am a great fan of lavender. Hope all goes well with the new addition.

  2. I'm not on FB but I do love instagram. however, I take breaks on the weekends and at least one day during the week. It helps keep me not addictive--sort of :) that soap looks amazing!!!

  3. I know exactly what you mean about having to be the one who points out the dangers. It's not the fun role and it's one I know all too well. Mine are always scaring the life out of me.

  4. Your soaps look amazing. We are building a treehouse too :-)

  5. Your soap looks awesome! Thanks for sharing!


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