Wednesday 18 May 2016

Yarn Along

I attempted capturing this moment several times but the moment just did not seem to want to be mine.

Could it be that the lighting in the evening has faded to darkness as like the early morning sunshine? Although there isn't much light to play with during my free time these days, the temperatures are still very forgiving. Sundays warmth could have passed for a Summer day around these part.

Every Wednesday I hope to join Ginny and her beautiful community with my weekly knit updates. It's going to be interesting to see how many I can manage before Starseed arrives and, of course, I cant wait to look back and follow the progress of all my projects that I will journal here.

Here I have cast on in what seems to be an almost devilish dark brown. But, I assure its not as black as it appears. I dont have the tag for this double knit so I cant name the colour but it is a dark chocolate colour. These two and a half inches of ribbing mark the beginning of a sleep sack for Starseed. The plan is to add another inch and a half of ribbing and then change to burnt orange? I am not too sure just yet. But, Garren suggested that it be colourful just like the rolled brim beanie I made for him last week (which was inspired by all the colours of the Chakra). I may just go with that.

Last week I re discovered a much loved book in my library. I haven't opened its pages in a very long time. As soon as I flipped open the hardback cover I knew this little book would not be leaving my side for the next few months. Home Herbal by Penelope Ody inspires the home herbalist in me from years gone by. And, I plan to build my labour box with all sorts of natural aid for the day that our new little family member decides to join us here on earth.

What interesting read do you have to share? I am so excited to see what you all have got going on your needles that Im heading off to join in the Yarn Along now.

Oh and before I forget. Garren and his friend Ryan have decided that Yarn Along is so very cool and have decided to join us too.

Happy Wednesday my special friends xxx


  1. <3 I can't wait to see the sleep sack! It is awesome to see two young boys taking a liking to knitting. A wonderful skill to know in life. Blessing dear lady <3

  2. They are too cute. I love dark chocolate color.


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