Monday 4 May 2020

the beginning of May

Well hello there,

I hope April treated you well and that May brings you such an abundance of light and blessings. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and commented on our posts and subscribed to our updates we feel so very blessed to have you here.

Last weeks weather was hard and cold. Did you feel the snow blow off the Drakensburg mountains? It swept in and whipped around the tippy tops of the pines. The rain set in and we found ourselves wrapped up in what winter clothes we still have. The small ones just dont stop growing. As soon as we are able to we will have to add a few more winter items to our cupboards. We are predicting a cold season this year. Snow falling in April is a sure sign of that. We hoping for a little reprieve this week but from the look of the start of this day already I am not feeling hopeful. So we were so very thankful that we were able to get outside a little over the weekend.

I finally completed Danika's pull over. I haven't had a chance to update it on Ravelry or had a chance to get to photograph it properly. She has been wearing it non stop since the last stitch was sewed up. Sewing is not a gift I have mastered but it works and it is warm. I was lucky enough to get a few extra balls of wool from Oumie's stash to rethink a new project to keep my hands busy with until we are able to buy wool again. I might cast on for a new beenie hat.. although a pair of pantoffels for each of the children might be more in need for the coming months. I am a little undecided right now.

I also tried out a new recipe for lotion bars. These are made with Shea Butter and a Calendula infused oil I made up about 6 weeks ago. The Calendula was from last years harvest. They are amazing little blooms that just keep on giving. I cant wait for them to provide for us again this year. I hope to make up another homemade soap batch for the shop this year too. All Offerings at present have been put on hold due to that ugly virus but I hope to get more soaps ready for when we can share again. I would just like to add a huge Thank You to those who have continued to support our offerings and I want you to know I cant wait to share more with you as soon as we can.

With much love and the safest of hugs from our side of the world.
Have a blessed new week.
The Pitout Home


  1. Have to keep remembering... You are in the Southern Hemisphere, and are heading into Winter!!!!! Where here, we are coming into Spring. How interesting it is... Our Spring Month names.. Mean Winter, to you. -smile- How interesting is our Earth.

    Just as it should be, she has been wearing her pretty new sweater, since it was completed. -smile-

    Hope your really cold weather holds off for a bit longer.

    And with grand kids living next door, I understand how quickly they grow!!!! The 3 boys "ought" to be able to pass chothes down. But they are different shapes, so that doesn't always work. -smile-

    Stay safe!

  2. You made a great job of the pullover, though I hate sewing things up too. I usually knit in the round these days to avoid it at all costs. Danika looks lovely in it.

  3. Hi Angela, I didn't have your new blog address; sorry! That sweater is so cute! I love the colors, perfect for a little girl. Your lotion bars are gorgeous, too. Such pretty swirls...


Thank you for stopping by. We do read each and every comment left here on our small blog. Please know that we appreciate and feel so very blessed that you have taken the time to keep up with us through your busy day. Have a lovely day further.