Wednesday 4 November 2020

The other day at Big Dam

The other day we decided to take advantage of the much needed sun shine and make our way to Big Dam for most of the day.

With my new camera in hand and Danika's new pink fishing rod that Rob gifted her for her 4th birthday we thought it was no better day to let her dip her rod in the dam for her first official fishing lesson. If you have followed our little blog for awhile you will know that both Rob and Garren are avid fishermen. They enter the yearly competitions and at the right times of the year they wake before the sun and head out to various dams around our parts to go and fish. So it only seemed fitting that our small girl be given an opportunity to decide if this hobby was for her as well. 

To our absolute delight as her rod hit the water she caught her first fish! It must be in their blood as this happened with Garren's first fishing lesson too. Needless to say - just as Rob and Garren are hooked I have to say I think our little girl is too... 

hook - line - and - sinker!!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! How exciting for her. I went fishing once as a little girl with my uncle, dad, and older brother. I was SO bored, and none of us caught anything. I think I was too noisy. They were trying to do something fun, but we were miserable on that boat. I guess we were too immature. Your photos look so fun!


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